A small / medium-sized company specializing in Third Party Inspection Services, maintenance, welders qualification, welding services, expediting, NR-10, NR-13 among others NR´s, consulting, project services, Civil Construction Services. Company established in Brazil since 2017. The company has a history of continuous business.
Set Inspection’s strategic intention is to build strong and permanent relationships with quality services and prices within the current market, and because it is a broad market with many conditions, Dakron has revised its commercial values/rates within this market and guarantees better conditions and performance for the above-related jobs.
Established in the city of Guaratinguetá / SP, it has a fully operational business infrastructure and information management systems. Our office in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro employs several professionals, as well as qualified professionals, as well as professionals with ART in the home state of work execution.
We propose to establish an operations office anywhere in the country, with a contracted and dedicated coordinator in order to better coordinate and control any kind of services. This installation can be created and managed in the time of need of each Client.